Facility Rules
To keep our facility a safe place for members and guests, please review and abide by the following facility rules and guidelines. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these rules, please contact us.
Age Restrictions
Kids 6th grade and under: Must be under direct adult supervision at all times this includes the gymnasium, weight room & pool.
Kids 7-8th grade: Access is limited to Aquatic Center and Cardio Equipment. If under direct supervision of an adult, they may use the weight-lifting equipment.
Kids 9th grade and up: Full access to facility and equipment.

We ask that you please bring a clean pair of gym shoes to change into upon arrival. Your street shoes can be left in the locker room, under the benches, or in the lobby.
KH+F Facility Rules
Food, gum, and glass containers are prohibited past the front desk.
Proper swim attire required in the pool and hot tub.
Proper closed toe athletic shoes required in the weight room/cardio area.
Only clean and dry shoes allowed on equipment or in the gymnasium.
Jeans with rivets are not allowed on any equipment.
No external audio devices. If you want to listen to music use ear buds or headphones.
No spitting in the trash cans.
Wipe down equipment with disinfectant after use.
If you use it please put it away.
Do not drop weights.
Don’t be afraid to ask for a spot.
To prevent loss, damage and personal injury, the wearing of jewelry is not advised.
Anyone found defacing/damaging equipment, or the facility will be subject to disciplinary action and will be held financially responsible.
Be respectful of others in the gym.
It is the right of management to ask you to leave for any violation of the rules at any time.

Gymnasium Rules
Only clean and dry shoes allowed on equipment or in the gymnasium.
Pickleball nets are to be used only for Pickleball.
Return equipment after use.
Scheduled activities take priority.
Be respectful of others in the facility.
Anyone found defacing/damaging equipment or the facility will be subject to disciplinary action and will be financially responsible.
It is the right of management to ask you to leave for any violation of the rules at any time.