KH+F Aquatic Center
We offer an Aquatic Center with indoor heated exercise pool and a spa for year around use. Our 30,000-gallon pool is heated and kept at 89 degrees and is 20 feet wide by 40 feet long. Our 2500-gallon hot tub is kept at 103 degrees.

Pool Rules
No street shoes in the Aquatic Center.
Proper swim attire required in the pool and spa.
Please shower before enjoying the pool or spa.
No diving, running, rough, offensive, or boisterous play.
Put equipment away after use.
No food, gum, or glass containers in the Aquatic Center - plastic water bottles only.
Children 6th grade and under require direct adult supervision.
Bathers wearing diapers need to have tight fitting protective. coverings to prevent contamination.
Persons with an open wound or skin, eye, ear, or respiratory infections are prohibited from enter the pool or spa.
If you have a communicable disease that can be transmitted by water or have had diarrhea or vomiting in the last two weeks, do not use the pool or spa.
Be respectful of others using the facilities.
It is the right of management to ask you to leave for any violation of the rules at any time.
Spa Rules
No street shoes in the Aquatic Center.
All General Pool Rules apply. See pool rules.
Children under 6 years of age are prohibited from using the spa.
Children 12 years of age and under require direct adult supervision.
Be respectful of others in the facility.
It is the right of management to ask you to leave for any violation of the rules at any time.
The maximum recommended time limit for spa use is 15 minutes.
Maximum temperate is 103 F.
CAUTION: If you are pregnant, have high blood pressure or are on medications, consult your physician prior to use